At eye level with customers,
partners and colleagues

For over three decades, we have been committed to mobility - transportation - the future 

Conception, planning, software development, research & teaching: our focus is always on people in their individual situations.



Years of experience




Locations in Germany


Millions in sales

From traffic light planning to adaptive control of complex traffic networks - since our foundation in 1991, we have been pursuing the goal of developing intelligent planning for road traffic. In the course of the digitalization of the working world, this very quickly led to the development of corresponding supporting system solutions, including our first software system LISA in the mid-1990s.

Our areas of expertise go hand in hand and are probably unique in this combination. True to the motto “By traffic engineers for traffic engineers”, we gain our experience from practical experience and contribute our expertise for practical use - for the future - to our software solutions and algorithms and the next generation.

Nambala Help

As part of our social responsibility, we are particularly keen to support a school project in Tanzania.

One consequence of the rampant epidemics in Africa is the large number of orphaned children without any future prospects.  School attendance is becoming a luxury. Our friends from the 'Help for Nambala' network in Tanzania have been working for years to ensure that education is also available to the poorest of the poor. Whether arranging school sponsorships or building schools - their projects are diverse and always aimed at strengthening the educational structure of the region.In the past, we were able to support the construction and expansion of the community center.

Another major project by our local helpers was completed last summer: a boarding school for 160 girls at the secondary school in Kikwe. This is because many children in Tanzania often have to walk miles to school. This year, the focus is on the further expansion of the school and boarding school.

You can find more detailed information on the network's website.

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